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    瑞德姆餐厅坐落在中国最顶尖的热带海滩—中粮亚龙湾爱立方景区内,由在水面以下6.4米,面向海水的一面由30厘米厚、36米长、6.4米高整块有机玻璃构成,为中国最大单体弧面玻璃,屋顶是251㎡的巨型天幕。 餐厅有上下午茶、中餐、晚餐,针对不同时段将会提供不同特色的茶歇和餐饮,营业时间从上午9点到晚上9点;为更好的体验就餐氛围,仅允许168人同时就餐。 瑞德姆是法文“我爱你”的中文音译,是浪漫和爱情的代名词。讲述了水手瑞德姆与人鱼汐菲娜在大海相遇、经历过磨难,成为恋人的故事。 瑞德姆餐厅——给你一个从视觉、听觉、味觉、触觉于一体的饕餮盛宴。
     Rhett's restaurant is located in China's top tropical beach - cofco yalong bay love cubic, scenic spot by 6.4 meters below the surface, to the side of the water by 30 cm thick, 36 meters long, 6.4 meters high, the whole piece of organic glass, as China's largest single curve glass, giant canopy roof is 251 ㎡. There will be tea, lunch and dinner in the restaurant, which will provide different characteristics of tea break and catering at different times. The business hours will be from 9 am to 9 PM.For a better dining experience, 168 people are allowed to eat at the same time. Rudham is a Chinese transliteration of French "I love you", which is synonymous with romance and love.It tells the story of sailor rudham and mermaid Seine, who met at sea and experienced hardships and became lovers. Redham restaurant - gives you a feast of sight, hearing, taste and touch.