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茹明亮 陕旅饭店集团董事长



         茹明亮,植根于酒店业近四十年,高级经济师、中国旅游饭店业荣誉证章获得者、中国酒店业高级职业经理人,历任西安东方大酒店副总经理、西安唐城宾馆副总经理、西安宾馆总经理,现任陕西旅游饭店管理(集团)股份有限公司董事长、中国旅游饭店业协会副会长、陕西旅游饭店协会会长、陕西省旅游协会副会长等职务。他曾荣登“2013年-2014年中国饭店英才榜”、“中国饭店业2013年度影响力100人”,2016年被评为“中国酒店业杰出领袖精英金奖”,2018年荣获“感动陕西·2017旅游影响力十佳影响力人物”等称号。 茹明亮所领导的陕旅饭店集团连续6年被国家旅游局、中国旅游饭店业协会评为“中国最具规模的30家本土酒店管理公司”,自2013年开始连续5年被评为“中国饭店集团60强”,荣获“2013年西部旅游总评榜-十大旅游集团”称号,2016年获得了中国饭店业最高奖项“水晶奖·中国十佳饭店集团”以及“中国酒店业杰出成就金奖”,受到行业瞩目。 其所打造的五星酒店品牌“欣源海厦”、四星品牌“欣源国际”、精品商务品牌“欣源景致”、度假景区酒店“欣·沐阳”及餐饮品牌“海市”均受到了市场好评,并以蓬勃的态势发展。 他是陕西酒店业带头人。自上个世纪80年代初开始,三十多年来,茹明亮以其高瞻远瞩的目光、雷厉风行的工作风格,带领一家最初仅有3家酒店十几个人的酒店管理公司,历经国企改革、资本重组、混合所有制改建、市场化运作等重重挑战,以市场为导向,逐渐成长为横跨西北、中原、华东、华北等地区,成功管理着近50家星级饭店,商务酒店及旅游度假山庄,客房总数超过7000间/套,并且逐渐形成了以酒店管理为主业,涵盖酒店用品、酒业公司、电子商务、旅行社、旅游地产等上下游产业链的综合性酒店集团。 同时,陕旅饭店集团作为西北地区规模最大、实力最强的酒店集团,迄今为止累计为北京、河南、山西、湖北、陕西、宁夏等十多个省市地区的数百家酒店输送管理人员超过1800人,为陕西乃至全国酒店业培养了大批专业酒店管理人才。 自2014年至今,茹明亮连续两届当选陕西旅游饭店协会会长,协会举办了三届陕西省专业性最强、组织规模最大、时间跨度最长的大学生旅游?酒店大专辩论赛,影响了在校生近40万,行业参与关注百万人群。成功举办了多次行业高端会谈,组织全省星级酒店外出学习考察交流,为会员酒店提供各类行业大数据支撑,有效发挥了行业协会的专业和社会功能。 他是陕西美食文化的传播使者。2016年7月5日,在外交部蓝厅举办,由茹明亮总指挥的“品味陕西”美食冷餐会隆重举行,外交部部长王毅讲话,时任陕西省委书记娄勤俭致辞,时任陕西省长胡和平进行推介,来自134个国家和5个国际组织的驻华使节、知名跨国企业代表、中外媒体记者等500余位嘉宾现场品味,赞不绝口。在之前的2011年,茹明亮曾应台北国宾大饭店之邀,亲自带队赴台,在台北、高雄和新竹三地举办了为期一个月的“陕西美食节”,极大地推广了陕西美食。同时,陕西旅游饭店协会联合西安市旅游局等举办了“2017西安“丝绸之路”国际美食旅游节”,茹明亮一次又一次不遗余力为推广陕西美食文化做出贡献。 他是社会事业的践行者。茹明亮说:“治大国若烹小鲜“,管理亦如此,在中国,想做大事的人很多,但愿意把小事做细的人不多,我们不缺少雄韬伟略的战略家,缺少的是精益求精的执行者;我们不缺少各类规章制度,缺少的是规章条款不折不扣的执行;我们必须改变心浮气躁、浅尝辄止的毛病,提倡注重细节、把小事做细……”茹明亮就是以这样的笃实、淳厚的品格,兢兢业业践行着一个行业领导者的使命与责任,传递着一个有责任有担当企业家的温度与广度。茹明亮不仅对集团系统职工关怀有加,更是亲赴西藏等地考察调研,与西藏阿里地区旅游发展委员会达成帮扶共识,热情接纳阿里职业学院20多名旅游管理专业的师生来陕旅饭店集团旗下酒店进行为期三个月的专业学习机会,为推动阿里旅游业的发展提供支持。 “做中国一流的民资酒店管理品牌,让每个酒店人都有尊严,有幸福感!”这是陕旅饭店集团的美好愿景,也是茹明亮对未来最有情怀的梦想。
        RuMingLiang, rooted in the hospitality industry for nearly forty years, senior economist, China tourism hotel industry badge of honor winner, China hotel industry senior professional managers, vice general manager of Oriental hotel xi 'an, xi 'an Tang Cheng hotel, xi 'an hotel general manager, deputy general manager, the current shaanxi tourist hotel management (group) co., LTD., chairman of the board of directors, vice President of China tourism hotel industry association, shaanxi tourist hotels association, vice-chairman of shaanxi province tourist association, etc.He has been listed as "China's hotel talents list 2013-2014", "China's hotel industry's influence 100 people of 2013", "China's hotel industry's outstanding leader elite gold award" in 2016, and won the "moving shaanxi ·2017 tourism influence top ten influential figures" in 2018. RuMingLiang tour led by shan hotel group for six consecutive years by the national tourism administration, Chinese tourist hotel industry association as "China the largest 30 domestic hotel management companies", since 2013 for five consecutive years was named "China hotel group 60 strong", was awarded the "western tourism overall list - 2013 top ten tourism group" title, won the 2016 China hotel industry's top awards "the crystal award, China top ten hotel group" and "outstanding achievement award" China hotel industry, by the industry. Its five star hotel brand "xinyuan hai xia", four star brand "xinyuan international", boutique business brand "xinyuan scenery", resort hotel "xin mu Yang" and catering brand "hai city" have been praised by the market, and the dynamic development. He is a leader of shaanxi's hotel industry.Since the early 80 s last century, 30 years, RuMingLiang with its forward-looking vision, the highly effective work style, to lead a initially only 3 hotels hotel management company, a dozen men after state-owned enterprises reform, capital recombination, mixed ownership alteration, market-oriented operation, such as challenges, market-oriented, gradually grow into across northwest and central China, east China, north China and other regions, successfully manage the nearly 50 star-level hotel, business hotel and resort villa, total more than 7000 rooms/units, and gradually formed a hotel management as its main business,Comprehensive hotel group covering the upstream and downstream industrial chains of hotel supplies, liquor companies, e-commerce, travel agencies, tourism real estate, etc. Travel at the same time, shan hotel group as the northwest region's largest and most powerful hotel groups, so far, accumulated for Beijing, henan, shanxi, hubei, shaanxi, ningxia, such as more than 10 provinces and regions of hundreds of hotel transportation management staff more than 1800 people, the hotel industry of shaanxi and even the whole China has trained a large number of professional hotel management talent. Since 2014, ruliang has been elected as the President of shaanxi tourism hotel association for two consecutive times. The association has held three college students' tourism with the strongest professional, largest organizational scale and longest time span in shaanxi province.The hotel's junior college debate competition has affected nearly 400,000 students, and the industry has paid close attention to millions of people.The company has successfully held several industry high-end talks, organized provincial star-rated hotels to go out for study, investigation and exchange, provided big data support for various industries for member hotels, and effectively played the professional and social functions of the industry association. He is the messenger of shaanxi cuisine culture.On July 5, 2016, ministry of foreign affairs in the blue room of the host, by RuMingLiang commander in chief of "taste" in shaanxi province held a grand gourmet buffet, foreign minister wang yi, shaanxi provincial party committee secretary Mr Lou's then delivered a speech, then the shaanxi provincial governor hu peaceful, from 134 countries and 5 international organizations of diplomatic envoys, representatives of well-known multinational companies and Chinese and foreign journalists, more than 500 guests taste, full of praise.In 2011, as invited by the national guest hotel in Taipei, ru led the team to Taiwan and held a month-long "shaanxi food festival" in Taipei, kaohsiung and hsinchu, which greatly promoted shaanxi cuisine.At the same time, shaanxi tourist hotel association and xi 'an tourist administration bureau jointly held the "2017 xi 'an silk road" international gourmet tourism festival in xi 'an. Ru liang spares no effort to promote shaanxi cuisine culture again and again. He is a practitioner of social causes.In China, there are many people who want to do great things, but not many who are willing to do small things.We do not lack all kinds of rules and regulations. What we lack is the full implementation of the rules and regulations.We must change the mind of impetuous, shallow end of the problem, advocate pay attention to details, do small things......."Ru mingliang is dedicated to practicing the mission and responsibility of an industry leader and passing on the temperature and breadth of an entrepreneur who has the responsibility.System staff cared RuMingLiang not only to the group, but also to investigation research, such as Tibet and Tibet ali district tourism development committee reached consensus on the support, enthusiasm to accept ali vocational college more than 20 professional tourism management of teachers and students to shan tour hotel group's hotel professional learning opportunities for three months, in order to promote the development of ali tourism to provide support. "" do China's first-class private hotel management brand, so that every hotel person has dignity and happiness!" "This is the good vision of shaanxi travel hotel group, is also the bright future of the most emotional dream.

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