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         成都华尔道夫酒店坐落于成都经济引擎腹地--高新区核心地段的成都华尔道夫酒店,如一颗明珠镶嵌于这座中国新兴城市的皇冠之端。酒店高耸入云的52层建筑构造出的,是一方经典优雅与现代奢华完美融合的华尔道夫灵感空间。宾客在此品味珍馐佳肴,体验完美会议设施,亦或流连于豪华客房内的美妙景色。传承一脉相承的华尔道夫服务理念,成都华尔道夫酒店将使宾客的每一次入住成为令人难忘的美好回忆。 成都华尔道夫酒店拥有包括31间套房在内的289间豪华客房。所有客房均坐拥优越的观景视角,身居其中,蜀地成都的魅力景致一览无余。超大宽敞的客房空间内配备有华尔道夫定制睡床、步入式衣帽间、现代先进的工作娱乐设施及双面盆大理石洗漱台,优雅、奢华在此停驻。每间客房入口处均设有私人管家服务窗口,时刻尽享周到而私密的服务,为宾客带来尤胜归家的华尔道夫体验。 Brasserie 99全日餐厅完美地体现了装饰艺术风格的优雅和精致,华丽的水晶吊灯和宏伟的立柱为这个欧式风格的餐厅更添高贵和享受的氛围。餐厅厨师从全球各地的菜系中汲取食物的灵感,为客人打造充满新意的精致餐饮。 无论是在午后的下午茶时光中,细细品味华尔道夫闻名遐迩的红丝绒蛋糕,或是购物间隙的小憩,还是夜晚与商业伙伴把酒言欢,在传承纽约华尔道夫经典酒廊文化的羿庭,每一刻都是华尔道夫式的难忘体验。 运·中餐厅提供精粹粤菜。尊之原材,重其原质的烹饪技巧使得中餐厅因其菜品完全汲取粤菜精髓而在成都众多餐厅中脱颖而出。餐厅环境作为饮食文化的重要元素,其大胆的色彩和永恒的设计完美碰撞,更加增添了餐厅设计的吸引力和华贵感。 麒麟·扒房让宾客在轻松愉悦的环境中尽享奢华的用餐体验;Sip吧以精致木质和皮革装饰,营造了温暖与华贵并存的氛围,宾客在此可品尝来自全球的精选典藏葡萄酒。 位于酒店顶楼220米高的华尔街屋顶酒吧是城中名流和社会精英圈层聚会的热门之选。自由愉快的爵士音乐回荡在52楼高空中,酒吧精选的威士忌和烈酒与璀璨星光混合产生奇妙的化学反应,给每一位来宾带来尽情而难忘的享受。 成都华尔道夫酒店为您打造各类奢华商务活动或社交聚会。精致高端的会议空间以及一脉相承的华尔道夫服务,为您专属定制每一次活动,打造无可比拟的华尔道夫体验。酒店拥有总面积超过2000平方米的活动空间,包括陈设雅致的1间大宴会厅和5间会议室。到达大堂及停车场皆有专用高速电梯通往宴会厅大堂,同时亦配有承重电梯满足大体积物料的运输。无论是与您的挚爱亲朋在私人花园露台举办小型聚会,还是在大宴会厅举行400位嘉宾参加的盛大庆典,我们的专业活动策划师都将为您打造完美无瑕、毕生难忘的体验。 酒店水疗中心总面积500平方米,设有六间私人水疗套房,宁静祥和的氛围宛若天堂,让您尽情放松身心。无论您是独自一人还是与亲朋结伴,均可享受我们为您精心设计的专属理疗服务以及丰富多样的理疗体验。酒店健身及有氧运动中心面积1200平方米,配有先进的健身运动器材,24小时全天候开放。位于酒店48层的室内恒温泳池长25米,配备冲浪池,私享静谧,畅游其中,在此纵览城市天际线。
         Located in the heart of chengdu's economic engine -- the core of the high-tech zone, the waldorf chengdu hotel is like a pearl embedded in the crown of this emerging Chinese city.The hotel's soaring 52-storey building is constructed with a waldorf inspired space that perfectly blends classic elegance with modern luxury.Guests will enjoy the best food, the perfect meeting facilities, or the fantastic views of the luxurious rooms.Inheriting the traditional waldorf service concept, the waldorf chengdu hotel will make every stay of guests a memorable happy memory. The waldorf astoria hotel in chengdu has 289 luxury rooms including 31 suites.All rooms have a superior viewing Angle, living among them, the charm of chengdu in sichuan in a glance.The oversized spacious guest room is equipped with a waldorf custom-made bed, walk-in cloakroom, modern and advanced work and entertainment facilities and double basin marble wash station, which is elegant and luxurious.A private butler service window is provided at the entrance of each room to provide the guests with considerate and private services. The full day Brasserie 99 perfectly embodies the elegance and delicacy of the art deco style. The gorgeous crystal chandeliers and magnificent columns add a noble and enjoyable atmosphere to the european-style restaurant.Restaurant chefs draw inspiration from cuisines around the world to create innovative fine dining for guests. Each moment is an unforgettable experience of waldorf style, whether it is during the afternoon tea time, savoring waldorf's famous red velvet cakes, taking a break from shopping, or making love with his business partners in the evening. Yun 'er Chinese restaurant provides excellent cantonese cuisine.The culinary skills of respecting the original material and emphasizing the original quality make Chinese restaurants stand out among many restaurants in chengdu for their dishes fully absorbing the essence of cantonese cuisine.As an important element of food culture, the restaurant environment is a perfect collision of bold colors and eternal design, which further increases the attractiveness and luxury of the restaurant design. Kirin steak house allows guests to enjoy luxurious dining experience in a relaxed and pleasant environment.The Sip bar is decorated in exquisite wood and leather, creating a warm and luxurious atmosphere where guests can enjoy selected wines from around the world. The Wall Street rooftop bar, 220 metres above the hotel's top floor, is a popular choice for the city's elite and social circle.The free and cheerful jazz music reverberates in the 52nd floor sky, where a selection of whisky and spirits mixed with starry starlight produces a fantastic chemical reaction that gives every guest a feast and memorable enjoyment. The waldorf astoria chengdu offers all kinds of luxurious business activities and social gatherings for you.The exquisite and high-end conference space and the consistent waldorf services create an incomparable waldorf experience for each activity customized exclusively for you.The hotel has a total area of over 2000 square meters of activity space, including the elegant layout of a grand banquet hall and five conference rooms.The arrival hall and parking lot are equipped with special high-speed elevators to the banquet hall, and also equipped with load-bearing elevators to meet the transportation of bulk materials.Whether it's a small party on a private garden terrace with loved ones or a grand celebration with 400 guests in the grand ballroom, our professional event planners will create the perfect, unforgettable experience for you. The hotel spa center covers a total area of 500 square meters, with six private spa suites.Whether you are alone or with your family and friends, you can enjoy our carefully designed exclusive physical therapy services and rich and varied physical therapy experience.The hotel's fitness and aerobics center covers an area of 1200 square meters, equipped with advanced fitness equipment, and is open 24 hours a day.The hotel's 48-floor indoor heated swimming pool is 25 meters long, equipped with a surf pool, which is private and provides a private tour of the city's skyline.

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