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        腾冲玛御谷悦榕庄坐落于高黎贡山腹地的腾越极地,这里是声名卓著的温泉之乡,山川秀美、气候宜人,更拥有丰厚的历史底蕴、浓郁的人文情怀和多彩的民族风情。腾冲玛御谷悦榕庄拥有业界先进水平的软硬件设施和服务品质,集自身环境与资源优势,秉承悦榕款客之道,为宾客提供浪漫、舒适、极具地方特色的专属下榻体验。 腾冲玛御谷悦榕庄距腾冲机场 30 分钟车程,沿途一派田园风光。以酒店为中心的“半小时生活圈”涵盖了北海湿地保护区、火山公园、樱花谷景区、和顺古镇等腾冲全境80%以上的景区景点。酒店充分利用丰富的地热资源,以全新方式高标准定义天然温泉,强调浪漫、私密的惬意氛围,打造了一处温泉之乡中的感官圣殿,令宾客可远离都市喧嚣,体验宁静、天然、养生、富有历史文化意蕴的温泉及Spa度假生活。
         Banyantree Tengchong is located in the heart of the Gaoligong Mountains, an important strategic site in the old Tengyue Prefecture famous for its hot spring, breath-taking scenery, pleasant climate, rich heritage, and ethnic diversity. With state-of-the-art facilities, thoughtful services, pristine natural environment and geothermal resources, Banyan Tree Tengchong delights guests with Banyan Tree’s signature hospitality style, offering bespoke holidays full of romance, comfort and authentic destination experiences. Banyan Tree Tengchong is a 30-minute scenic drive from Tengchong Airport. Over 80% of its signature attractions are within a half hour drive from the resort, including Beihai Wetland Nature Reserve, Volcano Park, Cherry Blossom Valley and Heshun Old Town. Redefining natural hot spring experience with its rich geothermal resources and world-class facilities The resort creates a “Sanctuary for the Senses” in an intimate and romantic setting, away from the hustle and bustle of city life where guests can enjoy hot spring and a wellness getaway.

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