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        大理洱海天域英迪格酒店地处大理最具城市气质及风景底蕴的滨海大道核心位置,毗邻古大理国皇家鹿苑—洱海公园,坐拥洱海,尽享一线海景。由云南城投集团兴建,由洲际酒店集团管理,也是英迪格酒店品牌在大中华区的第七家国际高端精品酒店。酒店地理位置优越,交通便捷,距离大理机场仅15分钟车程,30分钟即可到达大理古城,美景与便利尽收囊中。 大理洱海天域英迪格酒店坐落在一个真正令人惊叹的环境中,位于洱海畔,毗邻古大理国皇家鹿苑—洱海公园,临近大理港码头、大理州博物馆、洱海玉白菜湿地公园等风景名胜。酒店地理位置优越,交通便捷,距离大理机场仅15分钟车程,30分钟即可到达大理古城,美景与便利尽收囊中。 酒店作为洲际酒店集团的旗下的精品酒店,一直倡导时尚艺术的生活方式,在日常运营中不断地将设计美学融入客人的入住体验。精心的设计传递出对“大理白族邻间文化”的解读与创新,在这里,这座城的个性与活力、历史与新貌,表露无遗。酒店设计元素囊括风花雪月、白族服饰、扎染、白族建筑、三月街……新旧之间的大理文化被英迪格酒店深深嵌入肌理,浓郁的艺术气息与不凡的酒店设计完美交织,一部浓缩的大理文化史在你面前展开,重现大理的古往今来,这里将成为旅途最惬意的归属地。 位于酒店一楼的长街|邻里餐厅以落地玻璃环绕,最多可容纳220位顾客同时用餐。餐厅借鉴久负盛名的大理白族三月街元素打造,将餐厅空间设定在热闹非凡的三月街上,运用集市元素营造热络、丰盛的用餐空间。取自白族服饰纹路、色彩,运用在抱枕、地毯、窗花、窗帘等处,营造三月街的丰富与热闹。可以说在这里用餐是一种独特的享受:佳肴、环境、服务,以及英迪格酒店一如既往的品质,精细打磨过的大理石桌面、舒适座椅等等,为您呈现酒店大理本地特色的融合。 英迪格会议活动空间巧妙地运用大理古城的元素于会议室中,城墙、建筑与砖面等,重现古时大理商贸云集的盛景。3间会议室面积从43至176平方米不等,全部配备最先进的会议设施和无线宽带网络,并由酒店团队提供专业服务。大会议厅能容纳200人,完备设施,全幅落地玻璃窗令室内阳光充足,将洱海景致尽收眼底,面朝洱海的超宽视线和一流的海景更将为您的宴会和商务会议带来惊艳一笔,让紧张的商务都变得充满诗情画意。 “大理洱海天域英迪格酒店是首家在大理开业的国际五星精品酒店,酒店的设计灵感源自大理白族三月街和周城扎染的元素,十分适合城市商务和休闲旅行者。” 酒店总经理Albert Leong说道。酒店为大理开启了一个完全原创的概念。我们期待迎接国际来宾和全国客人。洲际酒店品牌声名卓著的待客之道辅以英迪格酒店品牌的邻间文化理念,让我们确信大理洱海天域英迪格酒店将成为酒店服务、设计与美食的新行业基准,并为客人带来对大理文化沈浸的体验。
        Hotel Indigo Dali Erhai locate at core of Binhai Avenue, which overwhelmingly embodies the most urban. Hotel has an area of square meters, contains a total of 255 rooms, most of the rooms can be directly overlooking the Erhai Lake scenery. The rooms infuse delicate designing and create a private and unique space for guests, and every guest will comfortably experience the nice of Dali, include the beauty of Cangshan Mountain, Erhai Lake. Hotel Indigo Dali Erhai is setting at a dazzling place, adjacent to Erhai Park, once was a royal deer breeding site in Tang dynasty, nearby Dali Port, Dali Museum, Jade Cabbage Park, and Wetland of Erhai Lake. Hotel enjoys the most magnificent view of sea, and a superb geographical location and convenient transportation, it only takes a 15-minute drive to Dali Airport and 30 -minute drive to Dali Ancient Town. In short, a place possess fair view and convenience. Hotel Indigo Dali Erhai rank as boutique hotel in Intercontinental Hotels Group, always advocates fashionable and artistic way of life, and constantly integrates design aesthetics into the daily guest's experience. Elaborate design convey the Neighborhood Stories of Dali and innovation of Dali to people. And the design greatly show the city's personality and vitality, history and new. Hotel designing elements include wind flower, snow and moon, Bai clothing, tie-dye, Bai traditional buildings and Lunar March Fair. The new and the old Dali culture embedded in Indigo Culture, and artistic atmosphere perfectly interweaves with the extraordinary hotel designing, and a condensed Dali culture spreads in front of you, which tells the history and modernization of Dali, there will be the most comfortable journey on the ownership of the land. The Market Neighbourhood Café surrounded by French Windows, they can accommodate a maximum of 220 customers. Dining halls borrow the inspiration from prestigious Lunar Fair Market elements, and dining-room space is set in boisterous Lunar Fair Market, which using the market element to create a warm, a big dining room. By using Bai clothing lines and color in pillows, carpets, windows, curtains, in this way, it builds a lively and rich Lunar Fair feel. March. In a word, the guests fully enjoy the tasty feast, nice environment, careful services, and the quality of the hotel as usual, fine polished marble desktop, comfortable seats, etc. All of these comprehensively present a harmonious picture which perfectly fuses local characteristics. The elements of the ancient city of Dali ingeniously was used in walls, bricks in the meeting rooms. Ace brick, etc. And the design reemerges the scene of business gathering. The meeting rooms area are ranging from 43 to 176 square meters, all of them equipped with the most advanced conference facilities and wireless broadband network, and to provide professional services by the hotel team .Large conference rooms can accommodate 200 people, and equipped with complete facilities, such as French windows, which get enough indoor sunshine, and has a panoramic view of Erhai Lake ,what’s more, facing the ultra-wide view of erhai lake and first-class seascape would bring your banquet and meeting an amazing feeling and look, make nervous business are full of poetic. Hotel Indigo Dali Erhai is the first international five-star boutique hotel in Dali erhai lake in Dali , the hotel's design inspiration comes from Lunar March Fair and Zhou Cheng bai tie-dye elements, all the elements are very suitable for urban business and leisure travelers, said the hotel general manager, Albert Leong. Hotel opens up a new concept about origin. We are looking forward to meet guests from our country and overseas. We made the prestigious hospitality from Intercontinental hotel brand and neighbourhood stories from Indigo in one. We believe Hotel Indigo will be a new landmark in service, design and cuisine and bring the guest the experience of Dali culture.

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