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       东方地毯集团有限公司始建于1994年,是一家集科研、生产、销售、服务综合性的大型集团。公司拥有当今国际设备技术领先的比利时范德威尔公司和德国圣豪公司的高档威尔顿电脑提花剑杆织机、美国簇绒地毯织机、英国阿克明斯特地毯织机. 可生产质地优良、花色新颖、雍容华贵的高档工程地毯及豪华工艺块毯。是目前国内拥有集国际先进的设备技术、一流生产技术和高档产品研发技术于一身的专业厂家。

        Founded in 1994, Binzhou Orient Carpet Group Co., Ltd. is one of the third largest enterprises in China mainly producing various types of high and middle grade carpets. Orient Carpet has the top grade computer jacquard and rapier looms made by Belgium Van de Viele and Germany Schönherr with the most advanced technology in the world. The company can produce the high-grade project carpets and grand technologic carpets with materials of pure wool, acrylic ,wool and polyester, polypropylene fiber, nylon , spun silk, and etc.


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