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【吴军林简历】: 吴军林,男,汉族,籍贯江西鄱阳,作家、书法家、收藏家、旅游业资深专家。14 岁开始发表文学作品,15 岁之后散文、 小说在全国获奖,24 岁之前成为作家协会理事、 书法家协会会员;1990 年之前读书、当工人和 教师;
1991-1992 年任江西省陶瓷工业公司(原江西省 陶瓷工业局)党委宣传部干事、部长秘书; 1993 年 3 月-1996 年10月在海南省旅游局工作, 并担任海南省旅游局《海南旅游》杂志社记者部 主任、常务副总编辑(主持全面工作、处级);
1995 年曾担任国家旅游局中国国内旅游交易会接待组副组长;
1997-2007 年先后担任北京天鸿集团海南旅业投资有限公司总裁办主任,杭州宋城集团总裁助理,海南泛旅文化传播有限公司董事长,海南热带海岸投资有限公司执行董事兼总裁,北京金钻国际传媒有限公司合伙人兼总裁,同时在2001-2007年社会兼职:海口酒店协会副会 长兼秘书长,海南省旅游饭店业协会秘书长,阳光之旅杂志社常务副社长,家庭期刊集团《旅 游界》杂志编委会副主任等。
2007 年至今担任世界酒店联盟主席、国际酒店与旅游联合总会执行主席、中国社科院旅游 研究中心特约研究员、北京第二外国语学院酒店管理学院特聘教授、旅游卫视顾问、河北旅游职业学院顾问、湖北咸宁职业技术学院名誉院长(兼任“吴军林文旅国际产业学院院长”、“吴军林文旅国际产业发 展研究院院长”)、世界酒店论坛主席、世界酒店领袖中国会主席、五洲钻石酒店组织主席、 泛旅文化集团董事会主席、世界酒店品牌研究中心主任、世界酒店杂志出品人兼社长、海南省降真香协会名誉会长、中国(海南)降真香博物馆名誉馆长、中国降真香鉴定评估中心名誉主任、美国温德姆酒店集团战略发展顾问、中国金融租赁有限公司顾问、江苏连云港市城建控股集团顾问、国钓台(深圳)实业有限公司名誉董事长、泛旅(北京)国际文化传播有限公司董事长、上海泛旅文化传播有限公司董事长、文旅国际传媒董事长、海南天香旅业投资有限公司董事长等。
从 2001 年创办了“中外酒店论坛”、2007 年创办的“全球酒店论坛”到 2009 年创办的“世界酒店论坛”,均在业界获得了高度评价,并被业界喻为“世界酒店论坛之父”。
2006 年编辑出版《旅游饭店投资与管理》(中国旅游出版社,与吴文学、梁晔合作,共 33 万字)。2010-2012 年编著出版《世界酒店?品牌中国》、《世界酒店?典藏中国》(天津大学出 版社,中英版本,共约 30 万字),共主编、出版、发表各类书刊、文章及文学作品 500 万字 以上,目前正在创作完成长篇小说《国家海岸》(暂名)。
2009-2010 年两次在北京钓鱼台国宾馆受到中国国家领导人的亲切接见;2009 年 10 月曾向 温家宝总理谨呈《中国的伟大复兴需要行业经济强势发展——给温家宝总理的八点建议》。 其团队工作成果曾被新华社、人民日报、中国中央电视台、中国中央人民政府网、新华网、 人民网、凤凰网、中国新闻网、新浪网、路透社、美通社亚洲、彭博新闻社、中国日报、21 世纪经济报道、经济日报、中国旅游报、东方卫视、旅游卫视等中国和国际 100 多家主流媒 体进行全球宣传报道和专题采访,其本人曾作客 CCTV、凤凰卫视、旅游卫视、最佳东方网 等重要媒体接受专访和制作专题节目。
2016 年 8 月 31 日受智利国家邀请同智利前总统爱德华多?弗雷在中国长城上进行对话。
2018 年 10 月 13 日荣获泰王国亲王勋章。
Resume of Wu Junlin
Wu Junlin, male, Han ethnic group, born in Poyang Prefecture, Jiangxi Province, China in January 1967, is a senior expert in travel industry. He had his literary works first published when he was 14 years old and won awards across the country for his prose and novels when he was 15; before his age of 24, Mr. Wu became a council member of Writers Association and a member of Chinese Calligraphers Association; before 1990, he studied in schools, served as a worker and a teacher.
From 1991 to 1992, he was in charge of the publicity department of the party committee and was the secretary to the minister in Jiangxi Ceramic Industry Co., Ltd (the previous Jiangxi Ceramic Industrial Bureau).
From March 1993 to October 1996, he worked in Hainan Tourism Bureau, serving as a director and deputy editor-in-chief of Hainan Tourism magazine in the Department of journalists (in charge of the work of a deputy-division-head level);
In 1995, he was the vice director of China Domestic Travel Trade Fair’s reception unit in China National Tourism Administration;
From 1997 to 2007, he served successively as the director of president office of Hainan Tourism Investment Co., Ltd. affiliated to Beijing Tianhong Group, the assistant to president of Hangzhou Songcheng Group, the board chairman of Hainan Pan Tourism Culture Media Co., Ltd., the executive director and president of Hainan Tropical Coast Investment Co., Ltd., the partner and president of Beijing Jinzuan International Media Co., Ltd. Part-time jobs of Wu Junlin from 2001 to 2007: vice president and secretary-general of Haikou Hotels Association; secretary-general of Hainan Tourist Hotel Association, standing vice president of Journey of Sun magazine, deputy
director of editorial committee of Home Journal Group’s Tourism Circle magazine.
Since 2007 till now, Wu Junlin has been serving as Founding Chairman of World Hotel Association, Vice-Chairman and Chairman for China Region of France and China Cultural Promotion Center, Vice-Chairman and Chairman in Greater China of International Tourism Federation, Contract Research Fellow of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences’ Tourism Research Center, Specially-Appointed Professor of BISU’s Hotel Management College, Counselor of the Travel Channel, Honorary President of Hubei Xianning Vocational & Technical College, Chairman of World Hotel Forum, Co-Chairman of World Hotel China Leaders’ Club, Chairman of Continental Diamond Hotel Organization, Chairman of Pan Tourism Cultural Group, Director of World Hotel Brands Research Center, Producer and President of World Hotel magazine, Honorary President of Hainan JZX Association and Honorary Director of Chinese Assessment and Appraisal Center for Acronychia Pedunculata, Strategic Development Counselor of Wyndham Hotel Group, Honorary Chairman of Guizhou Huaxing Liquor Industry Group’s, Board Chairman of Pan Tourism (Beijing) International Media Co., Ltd., Board Chairman of Shanghai Pan Tourism Media Co., Ltd., Board Chairman of Shanghai Pan Tourism Investment Co., Ltd., Board Chairman of Hainan Tianxiang Tourist Investment Co., Ltd., etc.
Wu Junlin was called “Father of the Hotel Industry Forum” for creating the International Hotel Forum in 2001, Global Hotel Forum in 2007 and World Hotel Forum in 2009.
In 2006, Mr. Wu edited Investment and Management of Tourist Hotel(finished with 330 thousand words together with Wu Wenxue and Liang Ye, published by China Travel & Tourism Press); from 2010 to 2012, he wrote World Hotel·Brands in China and World Hotel·Archiving Hotels of China (published by Tianjin University Press with 300 thousand words of Chinese-English bilingual edition); till now, books and periodicals,essays and literary works of over 5million words have been edited by him, and currently he is creating a new full-length novel named National Seashore (a tentative name).
From 2009 to 2010, Wu Junlin has met with Chinese Leaders at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse twice; in October 2009, he submitted an essay named China’s Revival Calls for Strong Economic Development8 Suggestions to Premier Wen Jiabao to the premier. More than 100 Chinese and international mainstream media including Xinhua News Agency, People’s Daily, CCTV, Net of Central People’s Government of China, Xinhuanet, People.cn, Ifeng.com, China news.com, Sina.com.cn, Reuters, PR Newswire of Asia, Bloomberg, China Daily, 21jingji.com, Economic Daily, China Tourism News, Dragon TV, Travel Channel have given global publicity and special report to Wu Junlin’s team work. Mr. Wu himself has once been invited by mainstream media like CCTV, Phoenix Satellite Television, Travel Channel, Veryeast.cn for exclusive interviews and feature programs.
On August 31st, 2016, Mr. Wu was invited by Chile to have a talk with its ex-president Eduardo Frei on the Great Wall, Beijing, China.







