陈晓琳女士从业20 多年,在酒店行业躬耕不辍,匠心筑梦,历任央企、国企和大型民企高管。凭借优秀的管理能力及丰富的职场经验,陈晓琳女
士于2018 年年底出任三亚湾红树林度假世界总裁,全面负责整个度假世界的日常运营管理。占地400 亩的三亚湾红树林度假世界拥有3718 间客房、几十家美食餐厅、3.3 万平方米亚马逊丛林水乐园、1+X 红树林影城、探险王国、红树林奥特莱斯、现代生活Mall 等各类丰富的业态。陈晓琳女士到任后,带领团队上下齐心,攻坚克难,把度假世界各业态的经营和服务工作做的有声有色,在红树林“1+X”度假生活方式、红树林新零售模式、红树林会议会展品牌打造等方面,做出了突出贡献。
Over two decades of hospitality experience,M s . C i n d y C h e n h a s d i s t i n g u i s h e dherself in leadership roles in state-ownedenterprises and large private enterprisesmanagement. she was appointed as thePresident of Mangrove Tree Resort WorldSanya Bay in the end of 2018. MangroveTree Resort World Sanya Bay, is a onestopcomprehensive vacation destination,covering an area of about 700,000 squarem e t e r s , w i t h 3 7 1 8 r o o m s , d o z e n s o frestaurants and bars, 33,000 square metersAmazon Jungle Water Park, AdventureZone kids playground, Today X Bookstore,Mangrove Cinema, Mangrove Tree Outlets,Mangrove Contemporary Lifestyle Malland so on. In past half year, she has madeoutstanding achievements with her teamin Mangrove “1+X” lifestyle project, NewRetail experiment, and Mangrove MICEbrand building.