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时间:2017-04-25来源:世界酒店联盟 作者:世界酒店联盟

第五届世界酒店联盟大会暨第十届世界酒店论坛已经开始筹备,预计论坛大会将有20多个国家的500余位嘉宾代表和媒体记者参加。今年,为了更好地服务酒店业及旅游文化产业,世界酒店联盟联合泛旅文化传播等机构在论坛大会期间增设了“国际旅游经济领袖年会”等亮点有价值的重要活动。欢迎洽谈,以实力牵手 2017“第十届世界酒店论坛”系列重要活动!

Strong-Strong Cooperation——Join Hands with World Hotel Association with Power

The 5th World Hotel Association Conference and the 10th "World Hotel Forum" have already being under preparation. It's expected that there will be over 500 guests and reporters from over 20 countries join in this forum. This year, in order to better serve hospitality and tourism culture industry, World Hotel Association and Pan Tourism Culture Communication will add valuable important activities like "Economic Leaders’ Annual Meeting for International Tourism”, etc.  You are welcome to communicate with us and join 2017 “the10th World Hotel Forum” series activities with power!
