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时间:2016-09-29来源:世界酒店联盟 作者:世界酒店联盟


世界酒店联盟经过三年的酝酿和筹备,即利用“联盟体系”巨量资源和影响力正式牵手某大型企业集团共同组建“泛旅国际酒店集团”,全力打造“中国第一家特色文化精品酒店连锁集团”(10—120间套房间酒店规模)。目前,前期所需资金已经落实,并已有创始股东的5—6家小型特色和小型奢华酒店作为酒店集团基础运营“班底”。在此同时,我们已和三家投资集团进行规模融资商谈,准上市工作计划也在筹策排布中。我们的目标是:在三到五年期间整合经营和直接投资到80—100家小型特色文化酒店,并进行融资上市,市值在五到十年内达到100亿元人民币。为此,我们诚请有识之士加盟作为“事业经理人”担任董事总裁,或董事执行总裁,共举大业!第一事业经理人年薪超100万人民币,另加股权持有。第一经理人要求:1. 具有中国或国际大型酒店集团工作背景;2. 具有完整的工作经历和良好的社会影响力;3. 具有超强的工作责任心和使命感;4. 有超常规思维基因和跨界工作能力;5. 能在董事会领导下有充沛的工作激情和高效的执行力;6. 年龄在35—50岁之间,特别优秀的可视情而定;7. 工作地点:在中国北京(筹备办公室设在北京国际饭店)。特别说明:泛旅国际酒店集团联席创始人吴军林(世界酒店联盟创始主席、世界酒店论坛主席)。有意者可通过世界酒店联盟驻北京、上海等地工作电话取得联系:








Aiming for 10 Billion Yuan-Let’s Enjoy “Capital Winning” of “Pan Tourism International Hotel Group”


After three years' preparation, World Hotel Association (WHA) is going to cooperate with a large enterprise group to organize “Pan Tourism International Hotel Group”, to make “the first special culture boutique hotel chain group in China” by using huge amount of resources and influences with all efforts (hotel scale: 10-120 suites). Currently, previous needed capital has been implemented and 5 to 6 small sized special and luxury hotels have become the base of hotel group basic operation. Meanwhile, we have discussed many times with three investment groups about scale of financing and pro-ipo plan is under layout. Our aim is to run and invest 50 to 100 small sized hotels and get financing and listing in three to five years, and market capitalization reaches 10 billion yuan in five to ten years. Therefore, we sincerely invite people with visions as “business manager” serving as president of the board or CEO of the board to welcome the victory! The first business manager annual salary is over 1 million yuan plus original shareholdings.Requirements for the first business manager: 1. Chinese or international hotel group working background; 2. Full working experience and good social influence; 3. Super working responsibility and sense of mission; 4. Extraordinary thinking genes and across-industry working ability; 5. Super working passion and efficient execution under the lead of the board; 6. Age between 35 and 55, except particularly outstanding one; 7. Working address: Beijing, China (Preparation office: Beijing International Hotel).Special Instruction: Pan Tourism International Hotel Group Co-Founder: Wu Junlin ( World Hotel Association Founding Chairman and World Hotel Forum Chairman); 9. Candidates can call World Hotel Association at 010—65598188 (Beijing office) or 021—33677028 transfer 808(Shanghai office).


Pan Tourism International Hotel Group Preparatory Office




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