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时间:2016-12-05来源:世界酒店联盟 作者:世界酒店联盟


泛旅国际酒店集团是由世界酒店联盟牵头发起,并联合特别合作单位“美国温德姆酒店集团”,以及创始股东单位:吉龙集团、大汉控股集团、和筑国际设计集团、融居银箔泉酒店有限公司等实力企业共同投资合作创立的新型特色酒店集团,致力打造成“中国第一家特色文化精品酒店连锁集团”,并在推动和弘扬中国本土旅游文化事业发展,以及融合西方酒店管理服务技术方面将做出突出表现和标杆作用。该酒店集团将充分利用世界酒店联盟“文化、传媒、咨询、论坛峰会、奖项评选、品牌评价、教育培训”等综合性权威“软实力”和多个企业集团的资金优势对中国旅游酒店行业的“特色文化精品酒店产业链”进行整合投资运作,该酒店集团将重点在旅游目的地和优秀旅游休闲度假区域整合经营“小型奢华”和“特色精品”酒店(目前已有5-6家), 并和温德姆酒店集团(联盟副主席单位)、首旅如家酒店集团(联盟副主席单位)等超大型国际化酒店集团,以及汉能资本集团(联盟副主席单位)等进行大小项目和管理服务互补性合作、高端客源共享式经营和金融资本共同良性利用。泛旅国际酒店集团已在北京成立“泛旅国际酒店投资管理有限公司”,该酒店集团创始股东代表吴军林主席、吉永刚董事长、谭伟奇总裁、孟斌董事长、郑自明董事长将在“第九届世界酒店论坛大会”上集体亮相发声。该酒店集团拟打造2—3个不同层级的酒店品牌,并计划在未来三至五年内投资3—5亿元人民币,经营管理和投资合作酒店数达到100—150家,并计划在五年后上市,该酒店集团总部设在北京,由吴军林主席兼任董事会主席,该酒店集团将在中国华东、华南、华中、西南、西北设立分支机构,欢迎多方强强合作。




World Hotel Association integrated and established “Pan Tourism International Hotel Group”

Pan Tourism International Hotel Group is a new kind of special hotel group founded jointly by special cooperation unit “American Wyndham Hotel Group” and shareholders including Jilong Group, Dahan Holding Group Co., Ltd, Dream Built International Designing Group, Dali Yinboquan Hotel Co., Ltd and so on, under World Hotel Association’s leadership. The group is committed to create "China's First Boutique Hotel Chain Group with Distinctive Culture", and to make outstanding performance in and to be a benchmark of promoting and carrying forward the development of Chinese tourism culture and the fusion of western hotel management service technologies. The hotel group will make full use of World Hotel Association’s "Culture, Media, Consultation, Forum Summit, Awards, Brand Evaluation, Education and Training" and other comprehensive and authoritative "soft power" and a number of enterprise groups’ financial advantages to integrate the investment and operation of Chinese tourist hotel industry’s "industry chain of distinctive cultural boutique hotel".The hotel group will run "small luxury" and "special boutique" hotels mainly in  tourism destinations and excellent tourism leisure vacation areas (now there are 5-6 hotels like this), and cooperate on projects and management services, operation with high-end customers shared and benefical usage of financial capital with ultra-large international hotel groups like Wyndham Hotel Group (vice chairman unit of the association), BTG Homeinns Group (vice chairman unit of the association) and so on and Hina Group (vice chairman unit of the association). “Pan Tourism International Hotel Investment Management Company" has been set up in Beijing, and representative founders of the group will attend "the 9th World Hotel Forum Conference". The hotel group plans to create 2-3 hotel brands of different levels, which is to be listed after five years, and invest 300-500 million yuan in the next three to five years to cooperate with 100-150 hotels in management and investment. The hotel group is headquartered in Beijing, with Wu Junlin as chairman of the board of directors, and will set up branches in east China, south China, central China, southwest, northwest. Multilateral partnerships are welcome!




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