
时间:2010-01-08来源:世界酒店杂志 作者: 汪志伟 张惠君


  He, known as an outstanding overseas Chinese social activist and business leader, still committed to the Sino-US business and trade in his eighties. Early on, he was the campaign manager and chairman of former United States President Johnson and Carter, as well as president of Clinton’s election headquarter in 1996, providing four U.S. presidents with election campaign and canvassing services. Awarded various honors at the New York Expo and the Osaka Expo, he has a close relationship with the World Expo and is called “Father of the World Expo” by domestic and international media. He has stuck to the belief of taking the national responsibilities individually for years, and has actively promoted the peaceful unity of China. He is Yicheng Jiang. Born with talents, though 87-year old, he continues to contribute to the development of the society.

蒋一成于1922年出生在上海。1941年考入圣约翰大学,主攻政治经济。抗战胜利后随严家淦赴台湾服务于台湾省长官公署。1952年参加出国考试,以第一名的优异成绩赴美留学,连续四年获美国德州浸信会大学奖学金,毕业后因品学兼优留校任远东史讲师。1961年美国国会通过特别法案,他以专案入美国籍,并担任参众两院远东经济顾问。后与世界首富美国石油大王亨特(H.L.HUNT)合作从事石油探采。1970至1980年间,出任美国大洋石油公司总裁,兼任美商纬经石油公司总裁,又任美国福乐公司远东地区总代表,并建造高科技勘探船伍德和八号(WODECO VIII),为中国海域探采石油与天然气做出重大贡献。1975年获中华学术奖状(当年台湾最高荣誉奖);1976年获美国德州马歇尔市荣誉警长、荣誉市长、美国俄克荷马州印地安族荣誉酋长。1986至今担任美国亚洲协会主席;2004至今担任联合国中国分部华东事物局高级顾问、世界华商联合会总会长。
